What we offer:
Sports Specific Rehabilitation
Some of the many considerations of Sports Specific Rehabilitation include:
movement analysis
lumbo-pelvic control
scapulo-humeral rhythm
muscle imbalance
training errors
We know from numerous studies conducted by Richardson, Jull, Hides, Hodges, O’Sullivan, Sahrmann and McConnell that it is the slow twitch (type1) fibres or ‘stabilising’ muscles most influenced by impulse patterns.
In situations of repetitive movement or prolonged postures, pain or swelling will inhibit the stabilising muscles. Stability then becomes compromised and fast twitch muscles which try and step in, often becoming tight and short as a compensation to this and may then also get injured.
Whatever you need to return to in terms of sport, will determine the rehab you need to do. Sports Specific Rehabilitation is what it says on the tin!
Fine tuning, alignment, good flexibility and specific strength will prevent injuries.
All sports require a strong core to reduce impact on peripheral/ distal joints!
If you wish to run you need adequate balance with a good single leg stance to reduce impact on knees and ankles. Good flexibility especially of the Ilio-Tibial Band (ITB) is essential to prevent knee pain. Correct biomechanics looking from hip to foot dynamic alignment and footwear is also essential. If you are a runner but are only pain free when walking, you are not achieving your goal and need guidance with this.
If you wish to return to playing tennis, you need good scapula stability with rotator cuff strength to enable you to place the arm at speed and serve to reduce impact on your elbow and wrist.
If you wish to cycle, you need a good bike set up with the right posture to reduce impact on the spine. Your knee needs to bend only slightly so having the right saddle height is essential to reduce overloading the patella especially if you are cycling uphill….
If you wish to swim, you need the correct technique so you do not strain the neck when breathing or strain the knee when kicking the legs. You should have an effortless style so the body glides in the water and you will reap the benefits of the sport in terms of flexibility and resistance low impact training.
If you wish to play football, you need to adjust your training to incorporate sprint work with ball control, adequate hip/ pelvic control to kick the ball precisely while staying balanced at speed and strong ankles and knees to prevent injuries.
You may get 70-80% better but we believe until you return to what you enjoy in life you are not 100% rehabilitated!
We ensure you have a safe graduated return to sport whether that be walk/ run programmes or playing doubles in tennis building up to singles again.
Maintenance of uninvolved body regions in terms of strength, flexibility and general cardiovascular fitness are also essential considerations. Other important factors include: environment, work postures, equipment/ footwear, training, recovery practices, diet and coaching advice (where applicable) and growth spurts.
Sports Rehabilitation is specific and progressive. It incorporates clear goal setting from the start looking at return to sport and continual re-assessment for the athlete.